RUSTARK enters the global Markets
Within just 1 year, RUSTARK had entered 35 international markets and supplied its products to South and North Americas, Africa Middle East and SouthWest Asia.
RUSTARK products (former Gulkevichsky Starch Plant) are in a high demand all over the world. Within just 1 year, RUSTARK had entered 35 international markets and supplied its products to South and North Americas, Africa Middle East and SouthWest Asia. Foreign food manufacturers purchase Native Corn starch and maltodextrins under Multydex © brand. RUSTARK plans to develop international products and offer all Multydex © grade including premium products based such MultyDex BROWN at the competitive price levels.
On many markets Multydex © became the product of choice for customers. For example, in Mexico the Rustark succeeded to win supply contract from several US and EU companies. Whose products were traditionally distributed in the country. Now RUSTARK supplies two products to Mexico at once: corn starch and maltodextrin MultyDex ©️. Combination of highest quality, sustainability and GMO free certification determined success of the products on the market.