RUSTARK attracts specialists into the region
The RUSTARK has worked out a successful relocation scheme for specialists: relocation assistance, selection of a place to live, assistance in family relocation.
98,874 inhabitants live in the Gulkevichsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, and RUSTARK is one of the largest enterprises providing the region not only with direct jobs, but also an important indirect role of regional development of related agribusiness and services. Also, it is the enterprise that attracts highly qualified specialists to relocate to the region. Rustark attracts highly skilled personnel of various specialization management, financial, technologists, from all over Russia.
For those who were chosen to join Rustark team, company offers optimal conditions: competitive salary, relocation assistance, selection of housing and family support. The company helps to choose a suitable accommodation option, as well as arrange children in a kindergarten or school, so that the specialist will not be apart with his family. All this is part of an extensive relocation program necessary to attract highly qualified employees, as well as retain our own grown staff.

«For us, the social responsibility of business does not end with hiring. A competent specialist should not be faced with a problem and a difficult solution to everyday issues. In this regard, our plant is doing everything possible to make it easier for our employees to move: we select housing based on family composition and location priorities, we pay for travel from the previous place of residence. The plant also has an adaptation program to make it easier for a new employee to adapt to the requirements, tasks and team. We show all possible care for families with children, our employees appreciate it.
As a reputation-respecting company we even inviting a specialist for a face-to-face interview, we do it at our own expense, which demonstrates the seriousness of our intentions. The future employee does not bear any travel expenses».
Roman Kozyrev
General Director
All this suggests that RUSTARK is a responsible employer, contributing to the replenishment of the region's personnel with highly qualified specialists. On the site you can explore the vacancy section and possibly become a member of a large and friendly family of an innovative enterprise!